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From the Ground Up's biggest event of the year comes once every summer; ROOTED.  We invite any and all youth groups to partake in an amazing week of service, retreat, and fun. The first ROOTED week is scheduled for summer 2022.

Youth groups participating in ROOTED can expect to serve the community they will call home for the week and grow deeper in faith. A typical day at ROOTED begins with daily Mass in the morning, an afternoon of serving others, and an evening spent encountering Christ. Teens may help clean a local parish, sort clothes at the Salvation Army, or pack food at the local food bank, all the while meeting the many faces of those in need and being Christ to them. After a day of service, the dynamic From the Ground Up team will provide retreat activities, talks, games, music, and encounters with Jesus to enrich the faith of the youth and adult chaperones.  

This week is a great opportunity to grow in faith, friendships, and love of service. An added bonus is being in fellowship with teens from all areas of the country and learning from our shared experiences and differences. ROOTED is a week to serve those in need, grow in faith, and create God-centered friendships.

From the Ground Up offers ROOTED for young people going into their freshmen year of high school through graduated high school seniors.

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